April 27, 2024

How to turn off video autoplay for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Here is a guide on how to turn off auto-playing videos on Facebook, Twitter and  Instagram on Android…

1.How to turn off video autoplay on Facebook

Step 1: Tap the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner of the app.

Step 2: Select Autoplay

Step 3: Choose Never Autoplay Videos.

2.How to turn off autoplay videos on Twitter

Step 1: Launch Twitter, then tap on your picture.

Step 2:  Navigate to Settings.

Step 3: Select Data, and tap on Video autoplay.

Step 4: Choose Never play videos automatically.

3.How to turn off autoplay videos on Instagram

Step 1: Tap the more options icon in the upper-right corner of Instagram.

Step 2: Select Cellular Data Use.

Step 3: Turn on Use Less Data.

Autoplay videos have been met with intense criticism, with some going as far as to argue that the feature only exist to artificially inflate view counts.

As the Founder of SocialPositives.com and AndroidConnections.com, Mohammed Anzil has demonstrated an unmatched passion for keeping readers informed about the latest Android developments and innovations. Their keen insights and in-depth knowledge have made them a trusted source for tech enthusiasts worldwide.

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